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What happens during an Electrophysiology (EP) Study?

What happens during an Electrophysiology (EP) Study?

Blog article on EP Ablation procedure

The Electrophysiology or EP study is a diagnostic tool designed to identify treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. Following an EP Study, subsequent treatment options are identified to include implanting a cardiac device, performing ablative therapy, or providing additional cardiac monitoring.

The cardiac electrophysiologist (EP) physician makes a small incision through the groin to access to the femoral vein, which will serve as the entry point to the heart. Manipulating catheters inside the heart, the EP has the ability to visualize the electrical signals to create a map which helps to identify the electrical problem areas on the cardiac tissue.

Ablation therapy is an invasive procedure, conducted in the EP lab with the intent of destroying cardiac tissue to disrupt the conduction of cardiac arrhythmias. It’s performed by a cardiac electrophysiologist with the help of an Electrophysiology Mapping Specialist also known as an EP Mapper. Diagnostic catheters are used to map or locate the origin of the arrythmia and then use a therapeutic catheter to ablate or destroy the tissue. Ablation can be performed by delivering either thermal or cryo energy.

There are many attractive career opportunities in the Electrophysiology Mapping and Ablation career space. The EP cardiac mapping global market size is expected to grow at over 8% annually through 2024. The major players in the U.S. market include Biosense Webster, Abbott and Boston Scientific with many others making an impact in the space. Job descriptions may be found online by searching for EP Mapping Specialist, EP Ablation Specialist, and Clinical Mapping Specialist. Visit PrepMD’s Career page for additional information on training and placement in electrophysiology mapping.

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